John D Rockefeller was a brilliant, hard working man. Born on July 8, 1839, John was the second of six children. Even as a child John was determined. He started raising and selling Turkeys, growing potatoes to sell and selling candy to neighbors to earn a little more money than his childhood chores gave him. At a young age he was already selling stock to his neighbors. He studied hard in school and was always on his best behavior. In his childhood his dad was rarely present. His father, a traveling salesman, sold plant remedies to people all over. John, like his father, was a great businessman. His first official job was at Hewitt and Tuttle as a Bookkeeper. Even when he was just starting to work there and only making about $500/ year, John always donated 6-10% of his salary to charity. As a child, he set his goals as, "To Make $100,000 and to make it to 100 years old.
John accomplished his first goal, many times over. In 1859 he and a friend named Maurice B. Clark went into the produce commission business together. By 1863, John had built an oil refinery in Cleveland. Although the refinery was owned by Andrews Clark and commercial oil was new, this job greatly boosted Rockefeller's career experience and got his name out there. In 1865, Rockefeller bought out Clark for $72,500 and used it to establish the Rockefeller and Andrews firm. After this point Rockefeller started one by one, buying out any and all competition he had, and also he took out anyone who required him to pay for things. especially when they had a high price.
Rockefeller never quite made it to 100 years old but he did however make it to 97. As the Founder of Standard Oil company, Founder of the University of Chicago and Rockefeller University and having a net worth of $663.4 Billion dollars, making him the first American worth more than $1 billion, Rockefeller did more with his life than he could have ever imagined. Without Rockefeller the world would not industrially be where we are today. He played a big impact on the Industrial Revolution. As the owner and founder of the dominating Oil industry during the industrial revolution, Rockefeller deserves all his wealth for all of his hard work.Though many during this time period looked negatively at monopolies, because Rockefeller built his way up to where he was through hard work, he is one of the only honest monopoly owners of his time, in my opinion.